
Resisting Arrest

What To Expect

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If you're arrested and react by arguing, pulling away, stepping back, or any other action deemed by law enforcement as “resisting arrest,” this charge can be added to your case. This is a significant accusation as it can impact your bail hearing and may lead the judge to view you as a difficult defendant.

Often, individuals are so startled by their arrest that their initial reaction can lead to a charge of resisting arrest. If you physically struggle or push, officers are likely to also charge you with “assault and/or battery,” which is particularly severe because assaulting law enforcement personnel is a felony in Arizona.

Resisting arrest can also arise from actions like providing false identification to law enforcement. This complicates your legal situation significantly, making it essential to seek a Scottsdale criminal defense attorney if you're facing any charges that include resisting arrest. Even if you are cleared of the initial charge, the resisting arrest charge could still proceed.

At the Law Offices of Randall J. Craig, our criminal defense lawyer will take swift legal action to combat the resisting arrest charge. This is especially critical if the charge includes assault and battery against law enforcement. Given that such charges can stem from minimal resistance, it might be possible to have these reduced or dismissed.

The stakes are even higher if you are currently on parole or probation, or have a prior record involving violent crimes. Under Arizona's three strikes laws, a resisting arrest charge could lead to extended prison time. Facing such serious consequences, it is imperative to have an experienced criminal defense lawyer from the Law Offices of Randall J. Craig fighting vigorously on your behalf.

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