
Gang-Related Offenses

What To Expect

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Arizona's laws are particularly stringent when it comes to crimes deemed "gang-related." Under these laws, if a crime is determined to be gang-related, sentencing options are severely restricted. Not only is there no possibility for sentence reduction, but also the penalty for a felony conviction is automatically increased by three years.

This harsh stance extends to suspensions of sentences, pardons, or early releases from prison, which are virtually unattainable for gang-related felony convictions. These legal measures are intended to deter activities that "promote, further, or assist criminal conduct by a criminal street gang" as outlined in Arizona § 13-604.

If you find yourself arrested and charged with a gang-related crime in Arizona, you are at risk of facing significantly enhanced penalties, including serious prison time. It is crucial to seek immediate legal representation. Often, individuals charged with gang-related offenses may not even be affiliated with any street gang, yet they face accusations based on mere association.

Proving lack of gang affiliation becomes a critical part of your defense, which prosecutors will aggressively challenge in court. Having a criminal defense lawyer who is proficient in contesting gang-related charges is essential. There are many individuals currently incarcerated for crimes they did not commit, mistakenly swept up under broad and severe gang-related statutes.

To avoid becoming another victim of these rigorous laws, it’s imperative to engage a knowledgeable and experienced defense attorney from the Law Offices of Randall J. Craig. They are equipped to navigate the complexities of gang-related offenses and are committed to defending your rights and securing your future.

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